Are you currently facing any of these issues?
Consulted many different doctors
Medication rarely help
Fear of recurrence of old illnesses
Fear of getting pain
Suffers from a lot of minor problems
Fear of getting worse
Japan Bio-electric Medical Device
Recharge Your Health in Sleep
我們智能睡眠养生医疗器10年的市場期間让超過80,000個家庭改善以上種種健康問題!Our Smart sleep health medical mattress device has helped more than 80,000 families improve the above health problems during 10 years in the market!
Key to perfect health~Electric Potential Therapy
to purify blood, promote quality sleep and delay aging
High Quality
产品 · 资讯
Japan Imported Home Medical Equipment
功效说明/Description of efficacy
超过40年的临床实验,证实产品安全有效. Over 40 years of clinical trials have proven the product to be safe and effective.
拥有国际医疗器材认证,帮助改善以下症状. With international medical device certification, it helps to improve the following symptoms.
电 位 疗 法
Electric Potential Therapy
Japanese Potentiometric Medical Devices
Let you create health from sleep
Blood purification
Adjusting autonomic nerves
Cellular activation
Stimulates metabolism
增至1000伏特负电 位,让睡眠更深层,细胞充值更饱满, 调理身体最深层部
Increase to 1000 volts negative for deeper sleep, full recharge, and body conditioning.
Blood acidity is the cause of all disease
我们去医院做身体检查时,医生第一件事就是叫我们验血。因为 血液里的代谢废物(垃圾毒素)多少决定一个人的健康。When we go to the hospital for a check-up, the doctor first asks for a blood test because the amount of waste in the blood reflects our health.
人体就像一颗大树,血管就像树根,血管干净,养分才能源源不 断地输送到全身细胞,毒素垃圾才可以排出体外。血液干净,细 胞就健康,人就健康!The body is like a tree, with blood vessels as roots. Clean blood vessels allow nutrients to reach cells and help expel toxins, leading to healthy cells and a healthy body.
温 热 疗 法
Thermal Therapy
100% far-infrared rays for greater comfort and user-friendly temperature regulation.
Relieve Soreness, numbness, paralysis, pain
in as little as 15 minutes
上下半身调整 ,针对性局部治疗
Upper and lower body adjustments, targeted treatments
Activates the body’s metabolism and blood flow
声 频 疗 法
Amsonic Frequency Therapy
AmLife’s Original Frequency + Nature’s Frequency + Spiritual Healing Music
Effectiveness of Acoustic Spectrum Therapy
Our R&D base in Japan
Celebrity Experiences
夏雨 Ha Yu
叶剑峰 Owen Yap
陈峰 Chan Fong
米雪 Michelle Yim
王翠玲 Chui Ling
Evangeline Long
颜薇恩 Gan Mei Yan
菲比 Phoebe Yap
AmLife 10周年见证
AmLife 10th Anniversary
用户 · 见证
See what our witnesses say!
* The result will be different due to personal lifestyle, age, usage, physical fitness, health condition, etc.
* The result will be different due to personal lifestyle, age, usage, physical fitness, health condition, etc.
* The result will be different due to personal lifestyle, age, usage, physical fitness, health condition, etc.
* The result will be different due to personal lifestyle, age, usage, physical fitness, health condition, etc.
失眠,皮肤改善,腰痛,提升免疫力 Insomnia, Improve Skin Texture, Back Pain, Improve Immune System
Cardiac Edema recovered, HEART RESUME TO NORMAL STATE!
20 years Migraine, Leg Cramp
Chen Feng Visits Stroke Patients
There are many more testimonial cases
Due to customer privacy, we are unable to upload all testimonial cases. If you want to know more, you can WhatsApp me by clicking the button below and I can send more cases for you to see!
认证 · 报告
我和你说,其实一个人要健康是有很多方法的,做运动,吃好的保健品都会健康的,对不对?但是要做运动,要吃保健品,是不是要天天吃?天天做?天天吃,天天做?天天吃,天天做?才可以看到效果的对吗?如果只是初一,十五才吃保健品,才做运动会有效果吗?是不会有效果的。Let me tell you, there are actually many ways for a person to be healthy. Doing exercise and taking good health supplements will be healthy, right? But if you want to do exercise and take health supplements, do you have to take them every day? Do it every day? Eat and do it every day? Eat and do it every day? Only then can we see the effect, right? If only on the first day of the month, the fifteenth day of the month to take health products, only to do exercise will have the effect? There will be no effect.
AmLife 床垫也不例外,它也是要天天用才会看到效果的。但是我们的公司就 是用对了方法。我们把电位疗法放进了 AmLife 床垫,让你每天晚上都能用 得到着,因为你每天都要睡觉的对吗?请问你昨天有睡吗?今天要睡吗? 明天要睡吗?自然而然每天都要去睡觉得。。对不对?所以你买了 AmLife 床垫,你不用改变你的生活习惯,你不用去迁就它,你每天自然而然的去睡 觉,你每天自然而然的都有用到。天天睡,天天清血,天天睡,天天清 血。效果是不是自然就来了?这就是为什么我们的 AmLife 医疗器材那么 有效。这就是我们的 AmLife 床垫。AmLife mattress are no exception, and they have to be used every day to see results. But our company has done it the right way. We put potentiostatic therapy into the AmLife mattress so that you can use it every night, because you have to sleep every day, right? Did you sleep yesterday? Are you going to sleep today? Are you going to sleep tomorrow? Naturally, you have to go to bed every day. Right? So when you buy an AmLife mattress, you don’t have to change your habits, you don’t have to accommodate it, you naturally go to sleep every day, and you naturally use it every day. Every day you sleep, every day you clear your blood, every day you sleep, every day you clear your blood. Doesn’t the effect come naturally? That’s why our AmLife medical devices are so effective. This is our AmLife mattress.
It is your greatest filial piety and wisdom,
Start recharge your family’s members health for a century;
Amlife DeepZleep health medical mattress device ,
Bring endless possibilities for your family’s health!
我们是100%日本進口96年历史国家卫生部確定没有副作用的自然根本疗法的养生保养保健医疗器We are 100% Japanese imported 96 years of history of the Ministry of Health of the country to determine no side effects of the natural fundamental therapy of health care maintenance health care medical device!
📍 首创3大疗法
First 3 major therapies
Potential therapy
Thermal therapy
Sound therapy
📍 有效改善4大病根
Improve 4 major causes of disease
Adjustment of #autonomic nerves
📌2.增强 #免疫系统
Enhance #immune system
📌3.促进 #新陈代谢
Boost #metabolism
purifies #blood concentration/toxins
📍 我們的家用智能睡眠养生医疗器有5大功能
Our bio medical device has 5 main functions
can purify blood throughout the body
can promote blood circulation
Can promote deep sleep
Can adjust the function of internal organs
Can adjust the autonomic nervous system
6 major effects of our [DeepZleep]:
Boosts cellular potentials
purify blood concentration
Relieve fatigue and soreness
Promote metabolism
Promote deep sleep
Reduce stressful emotions
Our medical heath products
English Version
专家医生对我们的 DeepZleep 生物电位医疗设备在干细胞治疗方面的评价
What Specialist Doctor Say about our DeepZleep Bio Electric Medical Device in Stem cells treatment